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Implant-Supported Bridges: A Stable, Long-Lasting Method of Tooth Replacement

Missing several of your teeth can create large gaps that affect your ability to chew, speak, and smile.

At Fort Bend Dental in Missouri City, Richmond, Rosenberg, Aliana and Sugar Land, TX, we can provide a custom implant-supported bridge to replace lost teeth without having to crown surrounding teeth.

Find out what makes this restorative treatment so popular among patients in Richmond and throughout Fort Bend County…

Both traditional and implant-supported bridges replace missing teeth to restore the look of your smile. Perhaps even more importantly, a bridge will renew your oral function so you can eat and speak normally. This restoration can also keep other teeth from shifting out of their proper alignment.

However, implant-supported bridges have their own unique benefits, in addition to those provided by a traditional bridge.

Practical and Cosmetic Benefits

Conservative Treatment

These bridges rely on implants for support. That means there is no need to crown healthy adjacent teeth.


Jawbone Retention

Dental implants prevent the jaw atrophy that happens following the loss of a tooth.

Natural-Looking Results

You can expect that your bridge will be crafted to look indistinguishable from surrounding teeth.

dental bridge

Dental implants essentially give your bridge “roots,” resulting in outstanding stability and jawbone retention.

But is it right for me?

If you are missing two or more teeth, an implant-supported bridge may be right for you. To determine if you are a candidate for treatment, our team can conduct a thorough evaluation of your teeth, gums, and jawbone and review your medical history.

Candidacy Requirements

Sufficient Bone Tissue

If you have been missing teeth for a long time, you have probably suffered some jaw atrophy. A bone graft may be necessary in order to create a viable base for your implants.

Excellent Health

You must be in excellent oral health. You should also be in good overall health, so smokers should quit the habit and diabetes must be controlled.

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Commitment To Oral Hygiene

It is essential to care for your implant bridge just as you would your natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and checkups can prolong the life of your bridge.

Tell me how an implant-supported bridge is placed…

The Treatment Process

Implant Placement

During a minor surgical procedure, two or more implants will be inserted into the jawbone.


Over the next three to six months, the implants will become permanently fused to the bone tissue.

Preparing The Implants

Once integration is complete, the implants will be fitted with abutment devices that will connect directly to your bridge.


Your dentist will take impressions of the implants and surrounding teeth, which will be used to create your permanent bridge.


When your bridge is ready, you will return to our office to have it attached to the implants.

Show me how the different parts fit together…

How Implant-Supported Bridges Work

Once the implants have integrated with the jaw tissue, they provide the bridge with exceptional support.

implant supported bridge

As opposed to a traditional bridge, which is upheld by two dental crowns, implant-supported bridges are affixed to dental implants.

What Does This Solution Cost?

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The amount you can expect to pay for an implant-supported bridge depends primarily on the number of teeth you are replacing. The larger the bridge and the more implants it requires, the more your treatment will cost. It is also important to note that although insurance will likely contribute to the cost of your bridge, implants are rarely covered. However, we offer CareCredit® and in-house financing to make treatment affordable.

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A Closer Look at Cost Factors

Bridge Size

The more teeth your bridge must replace, the larger the bridge must be. More materials equal a greater cost.

Number Of Implants

While most bridges require only two implants, some may require more. The more implants you need, the greater the expense.


There is a range of materials used to make bridges. More premium materials will cost more, but they provide greater durability and a more natural appearance.

You Can Afford an Implant-Supported Bridge

Although an implant-supported bridge will cost more than a traditional bridge, the unique benefits this solution provide make it worth considering. We offer both in-house financing and third-party financing through CareCredit® to place this solution within virtually any budget. CareCredit can arrange low-interest or interest-free payment plans that allow you to pay for your bridge in installments. We would also be glad to explain how our in-house financing plans can help patients throughout Fort Bend County take advantage of this superior dental solution.

More Information

If you have suffered tooth loss, an implant-supported bridge can replace two or more missing teeth in a row. As opposed to a traditional bridge, which is upheld by dental crowns, an implant-supported restoration is affixed to dental implants. For the right candidates, these restorations offer greater stability and durability, as well as protect your jawbone from deterioration. At Fort Bend Dental in Richmond, Rosenberg, Missouri City, Aliana and Sugar Land, TX, our experienced team offers all steps of implant dentistry onsite. We can perform preparatory procedures, plan your implant surgery, place the posts, and attach your custom restoration all in one location. With our technical expertise and eye for aesthetics, we can ensure your bridge blends beautifully with your smile.

What Exactly Are Implant-Supported Bridges?

Implant-supported bridges are an effective means of restoring your smile. These restorations are comprised of one or more artificial teeth, called pontics, nestled between two dental crowns. While standard dental bridges sit on top of remaining healthy teeth, implant-supported bridges attach to implant posts. Typically you will need about two posts, which will replace your dental roots.

An implant-supported bridge can prevent jawbone recession, additional tooth loss, and a dramatic change to your appearance.

Placing Your Restoration

To place an implant-supported bridge, your dentist will need to perform minor surgery. To ensure your comfort, we can anesthetize the gums and administer deeper sedation as needed. During this procedure, he can position the implant posts in your jawbone through small incisions in your gums. He can then close the incisions with sutures.

Your jaw will usually need four to six months to heal. During this time, your bone tissue will seal around the implant posts, securing them in your smile. While you are recovering, we may provide a temporary removable bridge to assist with dental function. Once you have made a full recovery, we can attach your permanent restoration to the top of the implant posts.

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