frequently asked questions

Q: When do my benefits start?
A: Benefits begin immediately the day you sign up!
Q: Can you pay it month to month?
A: Yes, the first 3 months will be collected up front and monthly payments will begin on the 4th month.
Q: When does my monthly payment come out?
A: Monthly payments will be automatically deducted on the same day of the month as your enrollment date. These dates will be available in the Upcoming Payments section of you patient portal.
Q: Can you cancel the membership?
A: Only after a year contract. If you decide it is not for you, then you can opt out prior to your renewal.
Q: Can I cancel in 30 days?
A: If you have not used any benefits in the membership plan you may cancel and be refunded for the plan, please contact the office for help or for cancellation questions.
Q: How do I choose between the adult complete and adult perio plan?
A: The adult complete plan is for patients above the age of 14 with no signs of gum disease. The adult perio plan is for patients above the age of 14 who have signs of gum disease or have not had regular routine cleanings for some time. If you are not sure which plan to enroll with, you may complete the registration at the office after diagnosis from your doctor.
Q: If I do not want the adult perio plan and I have gum disease, can I get the adult complete plan?
A: No. We take time to evaluate and determine the best plan for each of our patients. This recommendation is based on the diagnosis that we would treat you for.